Of course, choices are determined by many factors such as;
environmental, culture, historical period we live in and to determine the
outcome of a choice, a choice should be looked through these lenses. That explains, why currently we scoff at the superstitions
and irrational choices that most people held in the 15th century,
but in their time their choice was considered a truthful and rational choice
and in the same way, future generations of the 45th century will
scoff at the choices of the current 21st century because the factors
that affect our choice continuously changes with the advances man makes in
various aspects. And therefore the “truth” of today may be the false of 300
years from now.
Humanity will always find itself on a road diverting into
two, and they will have to make a choice because they can only travel on one.
From history men have traveled
the road that is short
sighted and selfish to meet a temporary moment of happiness. Issues of greed,
societal indifference and individual callousness are deeply rooted in our human
imperfections and these elements can be traced in our moral underpinning.
For instance, man since creation has continuously modified
and invented weapons of mass destruction from weapon of stones to sophisticated
weapons such as the atomic bombs. Man has made the world a great battle field
and has engaged in world wars. Our scientific progress has been pushed with
intention to improve, modify and invent weapons of mass destruction. Look at
any technological instruments, like computers, mobile phones, cameras, landing
on the moon and you realized they advanced quickly due to their connection to
some military activity, with the intention to be ahead of an “enemy”. That may
explains why in most countries military budgets are almost the highest. With this giant steps of technological
progress we have directed droned and missiles to pin point accuracy to cause
havoc, chaos and destruction to distant lands but we have been unable to make
accurate choices to lead humanity to even one step to the future.
Countries are living in inactive wars in the name of peace
and yet seated on a nuclear time bomb that can erupt on just pressing of a
button by a “leader” who just wants to feed his ego and with the slightest provocation he will
press the red button to show case his military super power.
Humans in this century are engaged in environmental
massacre. We torture Mother Nature to fulfill our greed and selfish needs. ‘We
sink mine shafts into her and drag out her entrails… all for a jewel to wear on
petty finery’. We clear a whole forest just to manufacture a piece of paper and
empty gallons of toxic substances into our water bodies. Now Mother Nature has
begun to retaliate. Natural disasters are becoming so common; Hurricanes, heat
waves, floods, earthquakes, landslides, water crisis, mudslides, Tsunamis and
the list goes on. If this continues humanity has already placed its neck on the
guillotine and the razor shall fall. We have repudiated from our duty to use and
utilize the knowledge we have to live together with Mother Nature, therefore we
shall all perish like fools.
Due to our continuous destructive environmental activities,
maybe billions of years from now humans will be extinct. New intelligent specie
will evolve or maybe aliens from far galaxies will visit our planet and they
will place our fossils and skeletons alongside those of dinosaurs. The aliens
will wonder what happened to the human species that whipped the whole
population from the surface of the world.
They will speculate that we died of starvation but the reality was that
we never took care of mother nature and it destroyed us , they will say we got
extinct because of a massive comet strike that hit the planet, but the truth
will be , we developed weapons of mass destruction that killed all humans, they
will even develop theories that our specie evolved to another specie, but the
truth is we as human race just raced to outdo
each other with materialistic gains and in
the process we killed and slaughter each other to extinction.