Thursday, 26 September 2019


Humanity can choose the other road, the road less traveled and we shall tell with sight of the great difference it shall make.  This road will lead humanity to place where it shall place its portrait on the hall of fame as the Sapiens that engraved the gene of character, justice and truth on every descendant who shall live on earth.  

The present Sapiens shall be remembered as being aware of their individual responsibility to choose prosperity for their descendants;  As the Sapiens that made choices, though small they acted as the small hinges that open the great doors of our history and ushered in future generation.

The choices we make daily either give the future a chance or destroy it. We can make a choice of upholding the highest level of humanity by protecting our environment to give future generation a chance.

 Failure to take care of environment is a crime that future generation should prosecute us. With each environmental distraction, we endanger their lives and consequently  they will never know how fresh air smells like, how clear and fresh drinking water tastes like, how a beautiful green nature looks like. Our destructive choices are making the world a huge “ Nazi Extermination Camp” where we facilitate and guarantee the death of future generations.

We need a change of heart and change of mind. We can uphold values of Justice. Justice is the cornerstone in every undertaking. Every society from days of old have always found ways to come together to achieve justice by setting laws to take them there. Pursuit for justice has been the inherent nature of humanity. People have consistently acknowledged that they are intertwined together by the thread of Justice. Every society from days of old to present have always endeavor to have justice.

When People join together and continuously seek the face of justice in every endeavor and turn away from any other means, then the world will know justice. And together we will cloth the destiny of humanity in a strong fabric of justice that even the gates of Hades will not tear through it. Things like environmental protection, greed, self-interest will fall at the face of justice. Injustice is when people think solemnly of themselves and disregard the duties the own to others. In law it is figuratively stated that “my right to swing my fist ends where your nose begins” that our right to do whatever we want on this planet ends at the moment we begin destroying life of our future generation.
At every cross road we can always use our moral compass and the needle will firmly point the path of truth and justice.

On this path of justice and truth we shall inaptly spur each other and our children to this values and set foot steps to guide future humanity. And humanity shall continuously draw near to this future with assurance of reaping a harvest in due time if we do not give up on this values.

Society is made up of individuals and if each individual makes the right choice then the society is right. That is why your own resolution to stand for truth and justice today is more important than any other thing.

Therefore, since each of us has the future within his grasp lets hold firmly on making just and truthful choices in our every individual undertaking. Each day sets before us two choices; life and death, prosperity and destruction may you walk the road less traveled and your descendants will pick up the pace to live and have life and life in full without fear of anything.