Tuesday, 28 August 2012


Well, am tired of waiting and hoping things will be better some time in future. Am worried abut the neglected gender,the gender that is assumed to be more superior, that it has been left to fight in this world alone,am worried abut this gender that people have thought that it is so capable that no body bothers abut it,am worried about this gender,THE MALE GENDER!
look at all the governmental programs and non-governmental organization(NGOs) they are focused on the female gender yet the male gender has being abandoned.it has been said that "educate a female and you educate the whole society" that's true and sure enough, i support that, but that did not mean that the male gender should not be educated.Am not by any means against the strong support that the female gender has being given, but am worried abut the ignorance that the male gender is facing.look at our streets they are full of street children and the truth is most of them are male,look at the people who are more affected with drug and alcohol abuse, the truth is that most of them are male, also look at our prisons they are full with the male gender and this sends a direct message to you that the male gender is a very venerable and dangerous gender if it does not receive proper attention.
I have tried to follow closely Female gender organizations campaigns and most of them have a very common slogan "fighting for equality" and if that's not the slogan, the slogan is definatly related to that but to my surprise they do not fight for equality and but rather they fight for inequality let me give simple examples:in Kenya the secondary education is same to both genders,they spend the same time in secondary,they cover the same slybas,they do the same exam and the exam is marked with the same Examination council but the most surprising thing is that the entry requirement for female to enter the university is lower compared to that of male is that equality or inequality?
Coming to politics according to Constitution of Kenya(2010) Art 97(b) and 98 (b) women are given a very easy way to hold leadership position this because every county is require to elect forty seven women to parliament and also parties to nominate sixteen women to parliament this are just some brief examples, but we have so many provisions that make it easy for women to make it in political life than the male gender.
i always thought equality is when both genders have being given same opportunity and attention but this seems not to be the case but am sure if this continues we are sitting on a time bomb which will go off very soon   because the male gender is also tired of being ignored,male gender is tired of beign forced to marry women they do not want and begin forced to become fathers so early after initiation as practiced by the Masai community in Kenya,its tired of being involved in child labour, sexual abuse and lacks audience to hear its cry and its tired, very tired....but all in all ITS JuST MY OPINION!

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