Sunday, 27 January 2013
ABORTION, should we legalize it?before you support or oppose look at a research as per
*85% of teenager engage in sex and do not use contraceptives
*40% of birth are unplanned and 47% are among the teenager
*310,000 abortions are done every year in Kenya only
*21,000 women are admitted due to abortion complication due to unsafe abortions
*2,600 women eventually die due to abortion
life begins at conception as per The Constitution(art 26) and anyone who causes death of another, is a crime of murder as per Penal Code section 203. The Constitution permits abortion if the life of the mother is in danger.....but what about our mothers,sister aunties and school girls who a raped by there fathers,brothers uncles(incest)?what about those girls who are gang raped by thugs? shouldn't the law also permit them to abort?
I know religious institutions are the first to throw the stone against the support of abortion, but we can say its them who have failed to guide the society with moral principles on the importance of sex after marriage,for them not supporting the use of condoms, for them not carrying civil education to the youth about sexuality.....but well,there is no time to blame each other while life of more than 312,000 Kenyans might be lost by the end of this year-2013...
My opinion is this that a law should be passed clearly permitting abortion if :
1)The life of the mother is in danger,
2)if the girl became pregnant through forceful sexual intercourse through rape or incest
3)and to a given extend, if the pregnancy was unplanned and the couple have no financial means to meet the basic needs-this is because most of these children will end up being street children and get involved in drugs & sexual activity who will again become pregnant, lead to other street children and the cycle will go on and on,of what benefit will it b having streets full of street children hence increase crime and drug abuse?
4)and the law should state it clearly that any couple(both the father and mother) who undertake unlawful abortion due to their reckless sexual behavior they should be found guilty of murder.
because honestly, we can not continue losing our mothers & sisters due to unsafe abortions done on them....the church should also teach the society of the important moral principles on sexuality and schools and education centers should teach their students on the dangers and consequences of reckless sexual behavior
BUT,in any case if the government refuses to legalize abortion its my opinion also it should set up children homes where if a girl is raped and is financially unable to meet the needs of the child the child can be taken to these homes and stay there and can be adopted by another couple or can stay their until the lady is able to meet her needs and can pick the child at that time.
well,whether u support or oppose one thing you should know is life is a right to every man but whose life is important putting all factors in consideration..the mother's or the child's life?.....if your mother was the sole bread winner of your family and she is pregnant and due to health complication his pregnancy if not terminated she will die.....would you prefer her to die and live you as a street child since you have no means to provide for yourself or her to keep her pregnancy and later die together with the child in his womb...all in all LETS RESPECT LIFE.
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