Wednesday, 29 May 2013


Politicians will always be politicians; all there need to be is something common for them to fight for. Kenya legislators were all brought together by their greed for their quest for higher pay and no matter their political party or ideology they all work together to make their quest come true and the house speaker Justine Muturi went on to justify this by saying they are “correcting an illegality” made by the Salary and Remunerations Commission (SRC) and Prof.Kindikia Kithure defended it by saying “we are following the law by use of constitutional pathway”. These politicians were justifying their greedy acts in the name of the law!
Think about the African Union 50th Anniversary held Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and you will definitely observe similar characteristics of political head of states from almost all states in Africa. During the AU meeting, the political Head of state all united to fight against justice for their fellow head of state namely Uhuru Kenyatta and earlier on Omar Bashir and they justified their support by saying: “Kenya has a reformed Judiciary and it should be given the first priority to try the cases” this were the words of the AU commission chairperson Ms. Nkosaza Dlamini-Zuma and she added that “the ICC was established to be the court of last resort and not the first resort”. A declaration also written by AU also read that “Kenya be allowed a National mechanism to investigate and prosecute the case under a reformed Judiciary” .I do agree that Kenya has a reformed judiciary but who will carry out this investigations? Think about investigations of Baragoi valley or Ouko or J.M Kariuki have the people involved ever brought to justice?
Well, as an African I have all reasons maybe to celebrate of such a decision passed by the heads of states in the AU meeting since it shows finally African leaders have stopped being puppets of the western imperialist, but first before we pop the champagne and begin the party did you ask yourself the one million dollar question. Which is: did they support the bid to drop the ICC cases because they believe that those African people who were murdered, mutilated and sexually harassed will get justice in African courts or did they support it because it was their fellow political head of state who was being accused? Me I think the latter is the reason why they supported the bid.
If you read articles from mass media coming from the AU meetings you will realize that the discussion was mainly based on Mr.Uhuru Kenyatta who is their fellow political head of state. But do you know that more than twenty(20) Africans are facing charges in the ICC people like Joseph Kony of Uganda, Thomas Lubanga Dyilo of DRC,Laurent Gbagbo of Côte d'Ivoire and many more others yet African Union only concentrated on Uhuru Kenyatta case only. Why did they not include the other African ICC cases in their bid to ask United Nations to drop the charges if they think African Courts are capable of handling the cases? Well I can say it is because Uhuru Kenyatta is their fellow political head of state.
I do agree that the ICC is a tool by the imperialist only punishing leaders from small and weak nations but it ignores crimes committed by rich and more powerful nations and that’s why maybe Uhuru Kenyatta is being accused of being responsible for the more than 1000 death that occurred during the post election violence yet the “super power” leaders are not being accused of the death of the tens of thousands of people they are killing in Iraq, Bangladesh and the list goes on. And that’s why I strongly agreed with the South Sudan leader Salva Kiir when he said the ICC court is made to “humiliate African leaders”. But my big worry is that the AU is handling this case from a political point of view without caring if justice will be achieved.
Though the AU resolution will have no effect on the ICC case it brings to our attention that maybe still African head of state are not after justice but rather to strengthen their political relations.

My opinion is if the AU does not support the Cases of the ICC it should not be selective on specific cases but it should insist all cases concerning Africans in the ICC be dropped but before they do that they should form an “African Court of Justice” which should have judges with integrity to ensure justice is served. This will prevent politicians from saving their own politicians from the jaws of justice. But I do appreciate the resolution passed by the AU to have its own Army this if implemented will be a giant step toward African independence. But I still insist AU should know the DIFFERENCE BETWEEN POLITICS AND JUSTICE!!!