Thursday, 30 April 2015


In this world there is one thing that is inevitable no matter how hard you will try to stop it, and that is CHANGE. No one can stop change and history has continuously reminded us of these fact that when time to change has reached you must change.
The High Court has given a landmark judgment that the NGOs Co-ordination Board should proceed to register an organization with the name “Lesbian and gay” as part of their registration name after they had declined since the Board was of the view that the names were “repugnant and inconsistent with the law”. The court observed that the matter was not an “issue of marriage or morals” on which the board had based its argument but rather the right to freedom of association and non-discrimination.
Any Historian and legal scholar on human rights will tell you that Human rights developed as a result of people exercising their right to freedom of association. Freedom of association is always the first step toward the discovery of any right or freedom and now that the LGBTIQ persons have this right as provided for in the constitution and affirmed by the court, then Kenya is on the highway of having almost all the rights of LGBTIQ persons recognized.
Freedom of association creates a platform for people to revolt, it creates a platform for people to come together and make their demands. Thinks of Spartacus revolution when all slaves came together and demanded for their freedom, think of the 1777 USA Declaration of independent when the Americans came together and successful demanded for their freedom from their colonizers, think of the 1688-1689 Constitutional Revolution in England that led to the Englishmen being granted  their rights (this is just to mention a few) and  here in Kenya think of the MAU MAU and the various pre-independence Political parties that placed people together to fight for a given course and finally in 1964 Kenya became fully an independent state and you will realize that right of association is the tool and weapon that all persons have used ever since time in memorial to achieve their goals.
The above examples are what the right to freedom of association can do and that’s why am convinced that the LGBTIQ people in our society should no longer be discriminated but society should find means to create common ground with them. Though they may not take up arms and engage the society in physical fights as other revolutions have done centuries ago but am sure they are going to engage the society constructively in various ways and soon the LGBTIQ persons will be entitled to each and every right that the society has withheld from them and the society has to accept this change. CHANGE IS INEVITABLE.

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