Thursday, 27 December 2018


The human evolution timeline begin with a single cell that mutates over billions of years to the specie hominini  Sahelanthropus Tchgadensis walking in a crooked posture, without any tools on the savanna grasslands of Africa more than seven million years ago to the present Homo sapiens walking in an upright posture, with sophisticated technology and instruments, on the dusty and rocky surface of the moon more than 384,400km from earth. This shows the progress that humans have made over the billions of years to ensure they are alive at this present age. However, these advancements are not simultaneously reflected in the Homo sapiens character which is still crooked and primitive.

The modern man still kills and steals from one another. Evidence seems to point to the fact that during the biological evolution of the human species something went wrong.  There may have been some subtle engineering mistake built into the native equipment of man that can account to the paranoia streaking through the human history, that man has been unable to learn the simple art of co-exist and love of one another, and man is in a continuous momentum to do evil. It seems every step human has mad forward, his character has made a subsequent step backwards. This is the age where the human has invented the most hazardous weapons ever invented in his timeline with capability to completely eliminate themselves from earth. Every day seems to be a countdown toward the explosion of this weapons and life is still arguably solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short just as it was when man lived in a state of nature. It seems human is inherently evil and it is in his very fabric of his character and in dire need of reengineering and repair.

It is not in dispute that humans are at the Apex on the chain of intelligent chain.Humans have invented sophisticated tools and machines such as the Voyager II that for the last 41 years to present day has continuously been directed and moved in our outer space at speeds of 15km/s….yes 15km/s yet we are unable to invent appropriate character that can guide men to move and direct them at least one step to infinite humanity.

But there is hope; the human species has always set its self apart from all animal species. We have always dominated and we seat at the top of the food chain. We have always adapted to all circumstances and nature has always selected us to the next phase of life. We have unmatched intelligence and the relentless desire to survive. This intelligence and desire that seems to be engraved on our DNA compels us to come together and move forward. Just as our evolution is an accumulation of continuous effort from one generation to another, the evolution of our character and moral uprightness shall be the accumulation of continuous effort of passing to the next generation better character and cultural heritage of us and the best thoughts and ideas of the world.

Individual character development like evolution is a slow and steady march to make each day slightly better than the last and it happens imperceptibly through persistent daily effort. Character unlike our technology is not innate or automatic; it is built with effort and artistry and perfected over lifetime of effort. And maybe that’s why technology does not move in tandem with our character development.

The effort will entail finding a deeper meaning of life and virtues. We need to elevate ourselves to great spiritual and moral heighted and tolerating each person’s idea. We can develop proper values that will be our light house at the harbor of the land of virtue and it will continuously guide us and inspire us to surf in these turbulent waters of imperfection as we strive heralding to this Promised Land.

Humanity with their different background may seems to be a Gordian Knot that no man can open with bear hands but we can inculcate areas of common agreement and open each other’s hearts and minds and reach the very depth of humanity where we can see ourselves in each other.

The evolution theory may just be that- a theory or maybe a fact- but it shows the journey of humans trying to be as upright as possible and pushing their limits by mutation and adaptation  and nature finding them worthy of selection to the next frontier of life.  The fittest have always survived and for sure men who will always improve their character will always be fittest to pass their legacy of good action to the next frontier. Maybe if we can continuously show each other the best angels of our selves the next frontier will witness humans flying high in a heavenly galaxy, armed with tools of angelic virtues. And for sure we will prove Immanuel Kant quote wrong and out of the crooked timber of humanity man became more upright.
(photo courtesy of truehomeprotection)


Tuesday, 25 December 2018


Hannibal Barca( 247 -181 BC) is considered as one of the greatest generals in history. At a time when Roman Republic was asserting its powers over other kingdoms he chose to plan battles accordingly and he lead the Carthaginian Army against the Romans.

He crossed the Alps mountain with elephants to go and wage war with the Romans. When his generals who had declared it impossible to cross the Alps with elephants he said "I shall either find a way or make a way". In deed he crossed the Alps mountain but quite a substantial number of the elephants had died. But at the same time when the Roman Army saw him march out of the mountains with the elephants they got the message he intended to convey that he was unstoppable and determined and even the heights and the Cold temperatures of the Alps mountains have not stopped him.

He ended up waging a successful tactical war that shook the Roman Republic to its very foundation causing them a lot of embarrassment. And he became a force to be reckoned. 

well, when asked why he was fighting with a super power knowing very well he will finally be defeated(which he was) he said "I am not carrying on a war of extermination against the Romans. I am contending for honour and empire. My ancestors yielded to Roman valour. I am endeavoring that others, in their turn, will be obliged to yield to my good fortune, and my valour."

MORAL OF THE HISTORY:Sometimes you just have to fight for your honour and to send a message to everyone including an enemy/competitor that you can fight regardless of what comes may.(You can watch Hannibal documentaries for full story of this great generalImage may contain: 2 people, text

Wednesday, 21 November 2018


This is a 1635 German engraving, as part of the Danse Macabre(The Dance of Death) series. It features a standing, smiling skeleton aiming a crossbow, an hour glass, a broken arrow on the ground and another arrow in a quiver. It was placed in such a position that the arrow locked into the crossbow was directly pointed to the viewer. The inscription in French was a lyric that would translate in part as:

My arrow (I promise you) spares no one
You will all dance the ballet of which I sing
Emperor, your sword won't help you out
Sceptre and crowns are worthless here
I've taken you by the hand
For you must come to my dance

It meant that as you dance and act on the theater of the world know that death is always smiling at you and at any time the arrow will be launched to your direction.

The engraving was placed in various places to serve as a reminder of people’s mortality and of the fragility of their lives and how vain were the glories of earthly life. It was intended to cause some humility in people, to curb selfish and toxic ambitions, to inspire people to choose wisely between doing the wrong thing to get ahead and the quiet thing that is right in their hearts.

In most African culture, we do not talk about death. It is considered to bring bad omen. But the reality is; death has been the closest human companion. Since the humanity idea begun living on earth, Kingdoms and empires have risen and fallen, generations after generations have come and gone, species have existed and became extinct, cultures have been founded and ended, wealth and riches have been amasses and squandered, civilizations emerged and became obsolete; many things have come and gone regardless of their hype and might; but death has remain the constant factor all along. So, we cannot hide the truth under the shadow of our fears.

The arrow is always ready and waits for your time to be declared by the hourglass and it will never miss, you are a sure target. We can be so uncertain about many things in this world but our death is so certain. It never cares if you are young or old, rich or poor, educated or uneducated, wise or foolish, King or laborer, the pope or the villain your time is your time. Death is the ultimate equalizer no matter a person’s station in life. And sadly nothing will pause or stop for a second to witness your fall. Time will move on as if nothing happened, so will everything and everyone. And soon you will be forgotten regardless of how beautiful your tomb will be made, actually think of the giant pyramids of the Egyptian pharaohs who were maybe the most powerful people of their time , not everyone know who they were, we rely on historical speculations.

Our mortality is always looming and it’s a terrifying thought. No matter how strong we are, how famous we will become, how many acclamation we will receive, how good we feel, it turns out we’re just a pile of bones, flesh and fluids inevitable to physical decay.  That’s why this engraving from centuries ago is very relevant today because it carries with it the true message to all humanity.

So today as you walk around, what are you going to do about this terrifying fact? Are you going to be haunted by the engraving? Are you going to cower in fear and assume you are immortal? Or Will you smile back to this grinning skeleton and tell it that you are aware, you were born … to die. But in between you will make the most of it; that you will continuously and tirelessly perform your duty- your good works. The choice is yours. The archer is always ready and the hourglass counts the countdown.
(Photo Courtesy of British Museum)

Monday, 3 September 2018


A German philosopher, Immanuel Kant, has a famous line that says, “out of the crooked timber, no straight thing was ever made.” The line proves true, no one is perfect. All human life is a struggle to perfection. We all fall short of the glorious victory over this struggle. We are crooked in one way or another. 

In our daily business we encounter people who we may consider annoying, frustrating, upsetting, unreasonable and the list goes on but before we condemn them and cast the first stone there is need to realize that their crookedness serves as a mirror, reflecting who we are deep down in our soul since we are all from the same crooked timber. We can only hold our crookedness to be self-evidence that all men are created equal and endowed with certain short-comings due to our humanness.

Our perverse tendency of holding others at a higher standard than ourselves shifts our focus from the plank of wood in our eye to the peck of wood in other people’s eyes and hence fail to acknowledge that we are all humans carrying  the marks of imperfection that are deeply engraved in our DNA.

Of Course Iron sharpens iron, so man should never lay down tools of sanding people to finer people. But sanding others should be done with humility, meekness and sympathy being fully aware that we ourselves fall short and are crooked.

In our eternal struggles to make our ways straight we can only hope that by the end of our life we shall at least be perfect as our father in heaven is perfect and who is the author and perfecter  of our life.