Tuesday, 25 December 2018


Hannibal Barca( 247 -181 BC) is considered as one of the greatest generals in history. At a time when Roman Republic was asserting its powers over other kingdoms he chose to plan battles accordingly and he lead the Carthaginian Army against the Romans.

He crossed the Alps mountain with elephants to go and wage war with the Romans. When his generals who had declared it impossible to cross the Alps with elephants he said "I shall either find a way or make a way". In deed he crossed the Alps mountain but quite a substantial number of the elephants had died. But at the same time when the Roman Army saw him march out of the mountains with the elephants they got the message he intended to convey that he was unstoppable and determined and even the heights and the Cold temperatures of the Alps mountains have not stopped him.

He ended up waging a successful tactical war that shook the Roman Republic to its very foundation causing them a lot of embarrassment. And he became a force to be reckoned. 

well, when asked why he was fighting with a super power knowing very well he will finally be defeated(which he was) he said "I am not carrying on a war of extermination against the Romans. I am contending for honour and empire. My ancestors yielded to Roman valour. I am endeavoring that others, in their turn, will be obliged to yield to my good fortune, and my valour."

MORAL OF THE HISTORY:Sometimes you just have to fight for your honour and to send a message to everyone including an enemy/competitor that you can fight regardless of what comes may.(You can watch Hannibal documentaries for full story of this great generalImage may contain: 2 people, text

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