Wednesday, 30 January 2019


Think of it this way: The planet earth is estimated to be about 4.6 billion years old. For us humans to be alive today, our very existence must have been there at the conception of this planet. Of course humans did not just suddenly appear unexpectedly from nowhere; something must have started or brought our life into existence. If you are a Christian or Muslim or Hindu or subscribe to whatever faith, you will attribute the genesis of life to be God or gods. The God or gods created the first humans from the dust of the earth or from materials obtained from the universe. The humans became fruitful and multiplied and filled the world and governed it.  If you believe in science or Darwin theory you will explain the origin of life to be a complex process called Abiogenesis. It entails the formation of the first single cell that evolved over the billions of years into the present Homo sapiens that ended up being at the apex of the intelligence chain and dominated all creatures.

However, regardless of what we think as the origin of human life all schools of thoughts agree that man has walked on the surface of planet earth for as long as the planet was formed . Therefore, for you to be alive at this moment it means, it is a result of a continuous chain of successful reproduction spanning over billions of years, to the very you right now. You can be confident that if you were to rewind time to 4.6 billion years ago you will meet your grandparent there. In fact, if you were to take a flight backwards to the very start of this earth using your ancestral family tree as your route and then start moving forward from there  you will begin by seeing how your first parent were made.

You will then witness how they survived through harsh conditions with no fire, weapons, tools, cloths, medicine and were greatly outnumbered by other species. More so, they survived without a government to guarantee their security and life, might was right and life was brutish, nasty and maybe short. Yet given this circumstances your original grandparents survived and gave birth to another set of parents.

You will then witness how your subsequent grandparents survived deadly plagues that had devastating effect on the existence of humanity and periodically  great populations were  entirely swept out of the planet. Yet your grandparents survived and gave birth to another set of grandparents. You will then witness how child birth was like a death sentence since there was no vaccines, no pre & post natal care and rarely did any expectant mother survive child birth and subsequently, the child would die due to lack of mother’s care. Yet given this conditions that claimed many humans your grandparents gave birth to another set of your grandparents. You will then witness your grandparents engage in violent acts, actually violence was the order of the day, bloods feuds were all over and murder was so usual and there was no recourse for it, terms like justice, freedom and rights had no space in this age. Yet your grandparents survived and gave birth to another set of your grandparents.

You will then witness linage after linage surviving famines, dangerous journeys, violent childhood and infancy. You will then witness humans trying to get organized forming groups, clans and then kingdoms. Still on your flight, you will see the Egyptians kingdom building their behemoth pyramids from the ground. Maybe you will witness the rise of the Persian Empire & the creation of Money, the rise of the Roman Empire & the development of democracy and how many other kingdoms and empires rose and collapsed. You will then witness the age of enlightenment where humans struggled to push ignorance away by applying science and mathematics to discover the hidden truth of life, maybe you will see Plato and Socrates having philosophical discussions on various wonders of the world at the school of Athens. You will see the Chinese empire beginning the construction of the Great Wall of China. As you continue flying forward you will then witness the birth of Jesus Christ and maybe see him being crucified at Golgotha, you will witness the Rise of the Islamic Golden Age and the prophet Mohamed crisscrossing the deserts to spread Islam. You will then see birth of religious wars that continue up to date.

Still on your flight moving forward, you will then see Martin Luther nailing his 95 thesis on the door of the All Saint’s church in Germany and leading the great Reformation that gave birth to the protestant churches. Then you will see the American Revolution followed by the French Revolution. You will witness Africans been forced into ships and sailed like goods to far lands as slaves. You will witness African Countries fighting for their independence against colonialism.  You will then witness the dark side of the civilized man through the World War I & II and the dropping of the deadly Atomic bomb by USA on japan.  You will then see the first man –Neil Armstrong- landing on the moon. You will then witness the construction and the fall of the Berlin wall and you will then understand how all these circumstances affected your grandparents at the time and therefore created ripples that have affected you to your present self.

Then you will begin seeing familiar faces maybe your great grandparents of this century, then your grandparents. Then you will see your parents and the very exceptional, unique and timely circumstances that led to them meeting and finally you will witness the rare chain of events that led to your parents making love on that day or night when this particular ova was just there ready to be fertilized and your father released this particular sperm that raced to the fallopian tube and fertilized the ova and your conception happened.

You will see yourself grow through the various stages of life up to now at this very moment, you reading this article. You will then realize that  the blood that flows in your veins has been passed from one linage to another over  the last 4.6 billion years. Isn’t that realization awesome? This may sound normal and not really awesome. But if you picture the harsh and cruel condition that your ancestors survived over the billions of years you will realize that your very existence is self-evidence that you’re the most perfect gene that has survived through unimaginable circumstances and among the many genes that perished along the way, the gene that flows in your blood has survived it all.  Or maybe you will realize that life is a very delicate experiment that would have gone wrong at any time and ended your very existence so many years ago and for you to be alive right now reading this article is just miraculous.

You may also end up agreeing with Carl Sagan who said, “We are made of star stuff.” Since the origin of the universe has the same source. You will also realize that all humans originate from one tree and that your family tree is actually a branch forming part of a tree that germinated from one seed of humanity. We should therefore develop a deeper sense of belonging in one another and we can all agree with Martin Luther King Jr.  when he said, “In a real sense all life is inter-related. All men are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality. Tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly. I can never be what I ought to be until you are what you ought to be, and you can never be what you ought to be until I am what I ought to be… this is the inter-related structure of reality.” So when you see any being, treat it with kindness, that’s your brother or sister we have a common origin and destiny.
photo by Behance

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